About Francis Ramirez-O'Shea

Francis Ramirez-O'Shea (formerly Cordero Ramirez) is the Emmy-award winning showrunner of the PBS documentary “Italy Made With Love.” She has over 17 years of producer, director, and writer working in every phase of production for non-fiction TV, film, and digital media. Francis has a passion for working on projects about natural history, science, conservation, history, travel, BIPOC communities, and social justice issues.

Francis has partnered with several independent production companies and has grown of network of producers, DP’s, sound recordist, editors and other crew that she can depend on. She has worked on projects that have appeared on National Geographic Channels, PBS, The Smithsonian Channel, The Smithsonian Institute Museums, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, ESPN, Conde Nast, and independent docs that have screened at various festivals including Sundance and BAM.

Francis also enjoys volunteering her producing and photography skills for non-profits to incorporate visual storytelling for social justice advocacy.


Altagracia is a name that three generations of Dominican women in Francis' family have shared. It means higher grace and is usually associated with faith. What it has come to symbolize for Francis is the knowledge, passion, community, and strength of Black Latinas like the women in her family.